Friday, March 14, 2014

Someone You Know Contributed to the Animal Abuse Problem

Someone You Know Contributed to the Animal Abuse Problem

Well, that's a pretty harsh statement.   You're thinking, you certainly don't know anyone who would do such a thing.  Think again.  I challenge you to think about this with all sincerity.   Think about people you know with dogs that may need to learn more about the reality.

11,000 dogs and cats died today.  11,000 will die tomorrow, and the next day.  Every day.  
4.5 Million a year.
458 an hour.
8 a minute.
Every year.
And Rising....

This doesn't even count abuse, abandonment, neglect or other quality of life issues dogs are suffering from daily.

That volume of death and abuse simply cannot happen without someone knowing somebody who is part of the problem.

It's not enough to do nothing!  Don't turn a blind eye.  Don't hope someone else will do something.   We all need to take action.  Even if its a small step at a time.   We have to do it.

I'll make a confession.  I needed to learn.  When I was a little girl (many years ago), we got puppies from people the family knew.   We even had a litter of puppies that were given away to other family members and friends.    We didn't know better.     I bet you didn't know much about this problem either at first.

You may find it surprising that there are still people around you who are still contributing to this problem. It is not necessarily uneducated or poor people.   It's not just the people you think of as a P.O.S (though they clearly exist).  It's people all around us who are are not "getting it".  Either no one has told them or they aren't listening.

Remember it takes people at least 3 times to hear something before truly understand/remember.   If they aren't paying attention or hearing it in a relevant way, they won't get it.   It may take much longer for them to care, and even longer to make a change.   If it doesn't feel relevant to them, they won't care.

The average person turns away from the graphic pictures posted on Facebook because they are too painful to see.

The average person will NEVER actually step into the back of an animal shelter and see the reality of loss and death.  Even those adopting from shelters don't see the one's who didn't make it to the showroom floor.   Those who drop off the dog and leave, never really see or understand their dog will probably not make it out.  

Some people truly believe that if they can't afford medical care or training, that they have no other options and that by taking the dog to the shelter he may find a new home.     Most people are uneducated and inexperienced.    They are not stupid or hateful.   They simply don't know better.  There are options.   Educate them. 

Some people (yes, the POS people) don't care.   Sadly, there are people in our human race that are animal abusers, child abusers, abusers of women, etc.   Only by the Grace of God will these ever be eliminated.

So what can we do?

I believe we as a community can make the most effective impact by working with our neighbors.   Not necessarily the person who lives next door.  But those around us at work, the park, social networks, church (yes, church), and in your own family, who simply don't know any better.    Certainly you should report criminals!   But the criminals are not our greatest threat here.  It's people who aren't breaking any laws!

  • You may know off the top of your head of a dog who us not spayed or neutered.  
  • You may know of a dog not being well cared for.   (Food, Water, Shelter)
  • You may know of a dog tied to a tree and never having any interaction with humans (which by the way is a sure way to make a dog aggressive)
  • You may know someone who had a puppy or a senior dog that is just "no longer around"
  • You may know of a friend or family member selling puppies for cash out of the back of the truck  (Leave breeding to experienced professionals who do proper genetic testing, better the quality of the breed, etc)
  • You may know someone who has too many animals to care for properly. 
  • You may know someone who is abusive to the dog (verbal, physical, emotional)
  • You may know someone who just doesn't do what is necessary to help their dog's issues. 
  • You know someone who's putting "free to a good home" puppies on Craigslist - (which is a sure fire way to have that dog killed as a bait dog in a fighting ring) 
  • You may know someone dropped off a litter of puppies on Christmas Eve at the shelter with their children watching.
  • You may know someone who took their 13 year old dog to the shelter to be put down because they got a new puppy (or new carpet).
Start questioning the things you're seeing around you.
  • You know someone.  

I'll confess again, I know folks in my family in this day and age who have not spayed/neutered their pets.   They aren't out their selling puppies from the back of the truck, and to my knowledge haven't had puppies, but the risk is there.

I got it.  I got the message loud and clear about the problem with animals dying in shelters,  people abusing them and doing nothing, abandonment, failing to train, etc.    Lack of training -- simple skills training -- is one of the primary reasons become frustrated with their dog and why the dog misbehaves.  It's EASY to fix with a little effort and time.

I along with MANY other people work diligently to save as many dogs as possible.  But we outnumbered, but people still making the same uneducated mistakes.

The challenge I have for you is to start educating the people who don't know better.   Educate 1 person.   Don't try to educate the world, it's too big a task.  Educate 1 person you know.  If you need information or support to do so, there are countless resources.  We just have to get the information to the people who don't know better!  Then educate another.   And together we can change the world!

I'll also challenge my rescue friends who want to ban someone from their FB pages who ask about adopting an unaltered dog to use that as a teaching opportunity.  Leave them on your page to learn more from you.

Do something.  Do Anything.  Make a difference, even if it's just in the life of 1 dog, or the prevention of 1 more litter of puppies.  

Or nothing will change and 11,000 dogs will die a day.... every day.... forever.  Surely, you and the people you know and care about cannot be comfortable with that.

Volunteer.   Foster.  Adopt.  Donate.  Train.  Educate.   Pray.

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